Category Archives: Downtown

>Great Editorial About Downtown in Daily Times


Here is an editorial in today’s Daily Times. We completely agree with Mr. Morris.

What downtown Salisbury needs is people

By Edward J. Morris • June 8, 2009

The front page of Tuesdays The Daily Times showed a cyclist on the plaza; what I saw was an empty Downtown Plaza — the same empty plaza I have known for more than 20 years. My reaction? It doesn’t matter how many parking spaces or kiosks are gained or whether the traffic pattern is reversed. What matters is people — lots of them. The picture in the paper reminded me of a ghost town. We need people shoulder-to-shoulder, moving and grooving, to make the plaza a happening place.

If enough people use the plaza for work each day, as they did 40 years ago, restaurants and retail stores will have enough traffic to support themselves. What I really miss about the old downtown is the community spirit it breathed into each of us. When was the last time you saw the Rotary Four-Way test painted on the floor of the mall?

Read More At The Daily Times Website

Edward J. Morris lives in Salisbury.

(Unlike other bloggers from Delmar, DE, we honor the Daily Times’ request and post a portion of the article or editorial and provide the link as the DT request.)

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